Monday 30 March 2009

Blog Task 3 - Luke Manley 0705972

[1] In order to talk about the ‘R’ (research/resource) and the ‘S’ (score) when creating Porto, we must firstly identify the meaning of them, when relating them to devising.

Research - Organized study: methodical investigation into a subject in order to discover facts, to establish or revise a theory, or to develop a plan of action based on the facts discovered.“

Resource - 5. Talent drawn on when necessary: an inner ability or capacity that is drawn on in time of need, or such abilities considered collectively.”

Before undertaking a position in Porto I found in necessary to research the origins of physical theatre and elements of dance theatre, in order to broaden my knowledge and understanding of the subject, which helped me to take a serious role and undertake an emotional roll as I knew I would be giving 100% effort.

With resource I was able to undertake much more difficult physical movements then I had previously been thought I would be able to carry out, using elements of dance to help create certain movements, and finding myself creating a narrative for certain segments during the early creative stages of Porto.

Source - 8. copy of choreographic notation: a written record of the choreography for a dance or ballet.”

Although actual written notes were not taken on my characters movements for Porto, I did however make mental physical notes on them, which allowed my body memory to repeated the movements I had previously done again and again, with some slight movements, due to my character being in a different frame of mind on that certain day.

[2] As Porto is progressing i personally cant see any narrative within the piece, as it’s all been developed through uses of play and instinct, each person has gone into Porto stripped of any knowledge of what is happening. I personally don’t think the performers have crated a narrative for Porto, but from the outside eye, Porto could be seen as having a narrative, but that is clearly up to an audience members perception of Porto and what they want to get out of it.

There can be some elements of narrative in Porto through the use of the performers interaction with one and another, which may or may not tell different audience members a different story. For example my relationship with someone else in Porto could be a very loving and caring relationship, but because of the way it may be presented another audience member may see this relationship as being detached and unwanted by the other.

As for structure within Porto, I do feel a sense of it here as we have a strong beginning, with a very powerful opening ensemble, which shows practices and structure to the piece. As for having structure in Porto I don’t think there is any evident evidence to the audience of structure as it seems to be natural and flowing, as if the characters are brining Porto to life as it progresses.

[3] Through out my personal process of Porto I feel that my character has developed emotionally ahead of physically. Although my character does have a physical presence in Porto, I feel that because I am too emotionally in touch with my character, I am finding it hard to explore and develop new physical skills and even go back to explore previous physical techniques learnt through out the process in Porto. Maybe if I was to become a little more emotionally detached from my character it would help to me progress physically?

“The inner necessity determines the quality of the energy …”

The above quote relates to my character immensely. As the character himself, is shy, timid, embarrassed, lost ECT. But it is me personally who wants him to be more physical, I would like him to break away from his natural side and use the skills I have learnt, but within doing his, I wouldn’t be staying true to the character, I would be doing movements for just wanting to do them.

So throughout the process of Porto so far my character has developed emotionally immensely, but has not developed as physically as I had previously hoped. But each show is going to be different, and depending on the atmosphere, circumstances may change for my character.

[1] Bausch, P - The grain of the voice
[2] Barba, P - Words of presence
[3] Sa’nchez-Colberg, A - Altered states and su’bliminal spaces
[4] Microsoft Word dictionary look up - 20/03/09

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