Monday 9 March 2009

Luke Manley: 0705972 Task 2

1] The first 5 weeks on the process of creating Porto was a very difficult time for myself, as I was not 100% happy with my character, but when developing Porto over the first 5 weeks, it has really helped me bring a character to life.

The interaction with other peoples characters help a lot, as then I was able to think as the character in a more comfortable point of view and think as the character himself, how would he react with these people? Who would he interact with? How would he get out of or change the situation? These questions really helped me to develop my character and bring a more honest character to life.

Also when interacting with other people in Porto, I would find my character connecting with people more then I first thought, and finding certain people who he connects with, and possibly who he shares something in common with. Can someone bring out something inside him?
I also find the use of my characters object very good within the devising process of Porto, as it helps my character interact with others, and possibly could be the key to his journey.

[2] I have really struggled with my character during the process of Porto. It has taken me a long time to find a character that I honestly connect with and fell comfortable with. I felt that my previous characters was just an extension of myself (I see myself as the goofy guy and my characters was an extension on that) so I wanted to change my character completely as not to be stereo-typed as that certain performer.

I feel that in previous weeks my concentration was not imbedded within the process, but that was mainly due to my character. So with this in mind I thought hard about what I wanted to show, and I came up with the answer, show people the real me, the me that no one sees, the person that is kept inside, so I did. I have been developing a character that is an extension of Luke Manley.

I feel that changing my character has brought out a new side to me, it has brought out a more focused and mature side. When I walk into the room I am my character from start to finish.

[3] I personally don’t fell as though my character has developed any sort of major physicality yet, as I am still in the process of emotionally finding my character. But I can see changes during the process, my body language has changed immensely, its not as open as it once was, its more closed and personal, as though as if he’s trying to hide from people.

My character uses the space well, in relation to others. He’s not afraid to adventure out, as he’s not lost, but undiscovered, he wants to be found, so the space is used affectively.
He dose have repetitive movements, almost like the moments of an OCD sufferer, he will keep looking into his bag to make sure his object is there. I also feel like I have developed some sort of tick for my character.

The weight is shifted around a lot within my character, as he’s always curious, and when he’s not moving he is perfectly still, no movement, not even blinking as he doesn’t want to miss what he’s looking at, as if he would miss something beautiful if he was to even blink.

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